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Dunedin Youth Orchestra

Dunedin Youth Orchestra

Youth Orchestra

Contact Information


Contact Person: 

Mandy Mok



Peter Adams, Anthony Ritchie, David Burchell

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Peter Adams, Anthony Ritchie, David Burchell


The Dunedin Youth Orchestra (DYO) has been part of the Dunedin cultural scene since 1972.

It provides an excellent training ground for instrumentalists to develop their orchestral skills. Many past members are now playing in professional orchestras around New Zealand, including Dunedin’s own Dunedin Symphony Orchestra and the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra.

Members of DYO are students at secondary schools, students at the University of Otago or working in a variety of jobs.

Not all members are currently studying music as part of their degree, but take part in DYO to supplement their education.

Rehearsals are focused and enjoyable, and allow players the opportunity to socialise with other talented musicians and perform in public concerts twice a year, usually in May and September.

Annual scholarship opportunities are available for both performers and composers.

Membership of DYO is by audition. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Dunedin Youth Orchestra

Can you help?

We have compiled a list of community orchestras and orchestral groups across Aotearoa New Zealand. While we believe this list to be comprehensive, we understand there may be omissions. If your orchestra is missing, please let us know. We strive for accuracy but mistakes can happen. Please share any corrections or additional information you have about your group.

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