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Arohanui Strings

Arohanui Strings

Music Development


Contact Information


Contact Person: 

Robert de Cartier-McCarthy



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Arohanui Strings - Sistema Hutt Valley is a registered charity that provides a music education and social development programme in the Hutt Valley and Wellington. They take children, who might not otherwise have the opportunity to learn music, and help them to reach their potential through teamwork, harmony and ensemble playing. Their mission is "to inspire children and youth to achieve their full potential, acquire values that favour their growth, and have a positive impact on both their lives and society". 

Each child is given their own instrument and joins music classes held after school five days a week. Some 280 plus children from the primary, intermediate and secondary schools in the area take part. Children learn violin, viola, cello, double bass, singing and music literacy helped by teachers, student and parent helpers, and other volunteers. The group gives concerts and runs free holiday music courses. The programme is inspired by the Sistema model of teaching children music that was founded in Venezuela and is now widely used round the world.

Arohanui Strings

Can you help?

We have compiled a list of community orchestras and orchestral groups across Aotearoa New Zealand. While we believe this list to be comprehensive, we understand there may be omissions. If your orchestra is missing, please let us know. We strive for accuracy but mistakes can happen. Please share any corrections or additional information you have about your group.

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